Monday, January 31, 2011

...and I'm off...(starting somewhere)...

a 4x5 maquette
I've completed a photo shoot with a major, familiar, and willing participant/figure in my life, my father. I took many types of digital images from different angles. His direction was to be comfortable. We talked. He laughed, gestured and shifted. I took the resulting images and have printed many of them on contact sheets. I cut them out and played with arranging them. With this, I made a color version of the black and white print I will be producing. I have begin to make the transparencies for the plates. Long process....


  1. Without hearing y artist statement--what first comes to mind when looking at this type of photo arrangement? Is is a positive or negative reaction? What do you think graphically, phychologically...etc.

  2. Love the different angles you've shot from. This one almost seems too literal maybe, perhaps the squares are too large? I especially like his left eye, the extra overlap going on there. Great start. To me it shows the complexity of personality.

  3. Thanks Lisa, I appreciate the imput!

  4. My first impression is a positive one. We are all fragmented, depending on the situation we are in, who we are with, or where we are emotionally. I'd like to see more fragmentation as there are many recognizable features that don't necessarily challenge the viewer. You have a great sense of composition.

  5. I definitely find this intriguing, and I agree with both Lisa and Laurie on everything that they've said. Definitely a strong starting point.

    As usual, I also have some questions: What is it that you are trying to portray? Is it the complexity of personality? The various moods/perspectives a single person can have (and possible tension that can result)? For whatever it's worth, I see these as definite possibilities within this piece, but I don't see the other ideas that you discussed in class (related to choices & fate, "alternative universes," etc.)

    Some other things to think about (if you are not already): What if you did some parts in color and some black and white? How about varying the scale of the different pieces more drastically? What about integrating shots of more than one subject into the same piece? Or maybe it's all one subject, but with different clothing, hairstyle, glasses, whatever? Just thinking of ways you could mix it up more and add more complexity for the viewer... depending on what kind of effect you want to achieve, of course.

    Also: I understand that you are planning to do this with printmaking, but why? Are there things you can achieve through that medium that are important (in supporting your concept somehow) that can't be achieved through photography, or are you just doing it for the challenge, or because you enjoy it? Just wondering...

    Can't wait to see where you take this!

  6. I love how you work. Having watched you in other classes, I know we will be in for an incredible surprise with your end results. You seem to intellectually explore and examine your concept and then "Boom", you bring out something that blows our socks off! Can't wait to see the final product.
